In the Cabin with Diane McLoughlin: Trip Support Manager US at Air Partner

In the Cabin with...Diane McLoughlin: Trip Support Manager US 

For over 60 years, our team of aviation professionals has gone above and beyond to create personalised charter experiences. Whether you are travelling for business or leisure, our expert charter team is available 24/7 to assist with all your charter requirements.

Recently, we had the pleasure of interviewing Diane McLoughlin, the Trip Support Manager for the US division of Air Partner. The Trip Support team works closely with the Account Manager and clients' representatives of Air Partner to ensure a personalised experience for upcoming flight bookings. They provide full-service trip management leading up to and during the client's flight. The team monitors, reviews, forecasts, arranges ancillary services and prepares a thorough trip overview. The Trip Support team is available day and night to address all client questions or requests.

During the interview, Diane shared insights on the Trip Support team's operations and service to our customers. With extensive experience in the aviation industry spanning nearly two decades, Diane shares memorable highlights and provides invaluable advice for companies and first-time charters.

Can you tell us about your role at Air Partner?

As the Director of Trip Support, my role is to provide the highest level of service to our clients. The team is built with members who have integrity, and keen attention to detail, and value the relationships Air Partner has cultivated over the years.

What key industries do you serve?

The Trip Support team assists the Account Managers with any of their upcoming flights. Thus, our team is trained to be the second set of eyes, or the quality control part of the company, to ensure a flawless experience for the client and within our organisation.

How long have you worked in private aviation?

I have been working in private aviation for almost 20 years now!

Why did you choose an aviation career?

I fell into aviation by chance straight out of graduating from college. Once I was in the industry, I was instantly taken away. I guess there was always an aviation bug in my family, though. My grandpa was a pilot in the Air Force, and my Dad always loved aviation. My Dad's dream job as an aeronautical engineer was not in ample supply then, so he became an electrical engineer. He used to take us to the airport when we were young just to watch the planes take off. So, it must have been a subconscious destiny. And 19 years later, I am still here!

What is your favourite aircraft and why?

I love the Gulfstream G550 for a special reason. The range and beauty of the aircraft are amazing. I was lucky enough to ride in one to and from Paris, France, during one of my previous roles when I was recognised for my exceptional service. This trip was with our CEO and a select handful of others in the company. What do you enjoy most about working in aircraft charter?

I enjoy the fact that each day comes with unique challenges. This keeps me engaged, and the best reward is a satisfied client.

What is the real strength of Air Partner?

The people. Air Partner has a network of the most professional and skilled aviation experts in the world. The respect everyone has for each other here and the growth you receive from the supporting team is unlike anywhere else I have ever been. I am truly lucky to be a part of the Air Partner family.

During your time spent working in aviation, what changes have you seen within Air Partner?

Since the day I started, there has been significant team growth. It's humbling to see the executive leadership team embrace the team the same way, no matter how big we are getting.

What is your philosophy for delivering exceptional service for your customers? And as a team leader, how do you pass this on?

When I first started, one of my first meetings was with our Marketing team. They explained a new Air Partner campaign with the slogan: “Be well on your way, it's all taken care of.” This slogan says so much and precisely explains what Trip Support sets out to do daily for our clients. Our team takes this motto to heart, and we train to deliver it to our clients daily.

Tell us about your first charter.

The most I can remember about my first charter is that I really just wanted to get every aspect right. Everything about this job requires such focus and attention to great detail. I stay hyper-focused and triple-check every part of a journey until the client is at their final destination. I care about what I do, and that will never change. 

What is your most memorable/and or challenging charter moment to date?

There are so many to choose from! I believe getting to know the clients is one of the best parts of the job. One instance that comes to mind shows how a great relationship with a client started with a flight.

One of my most memorable projects was delivering a flight for a client a few years ago. My client, his family, and his son's friend were headed to a golf event to raise money for cancer, which was dear to the family’s heart. 

The son’s friend and my client liked to joke around a lot, so he and I planned to set some items on board to have a bit of fun with him on the onboard. I ordered a PB&J kid's boxed lunch with a kid's activity kit for the son’s friend - mind you, he was in college at the time. The pilots were fantastic because they got in on my joke with me! So, they gave this kid an exceptional cockpit experience, which turned out to possibly change the course of his life - the son's friend was also going to school for aviation, and from that point on, he only wanted to be a pilot in private aviation. It is incredible to be part of making a client's journey so special.  

Also, the flight took place during a busy peak weekend, and I secured an upgraded cabin they hoped for to meet their luggage requirements. I share this story because it demonstrates not only understanding your client's personal and logistical requirements but also why connecting with your client is so important.

What advice would you give to anyone looking to charter an aircraft for the first time?

There is so much out there to choose from. However, a great place to start is with a trusted worldwide broker with immense experience. At Air Partner, you receive guidance and not just a quote, which is crucial since you are learning about the chartering process for the first time.

What specific advice do you have for companies looking to charter aircraft?

My advice is to invest your time in a call to get to know the company. Safety is a priority in everything we do. It is important you feel safe with not only the aircraft but also your expert guide throughout the process. Air Partner has an impeccable safety culture, and you will feel secure as we guide you through the best choices for your journey. 


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