Discover Wellness with Chrissy Sundt, Founder of Silver Linings Wellbeing

In our Spring/Summer 2024 edition of the Air Partner magazine, we sat down with Chrissy Sundt, founder of Silver Linings Wellbeing. Chrissy recently launched her JetSet Barre series with Air Partner, which makes a perfect companion for your travels, whether on board your private jet or at your next destination. 

Chrissy Sundt, Founder of Silver Linings Wellbeing

Chrissy sits down with us to discuss wellness travel in our exclusive guest feature.

Fitness maven Chrissy Sundt lives by four pillars of wellness: mindful movement, rest and relaxation, nourishment and sleep. Air Partner asks the Silver Linings founder about changing trends in wellbeing, travel must-haves, and what makes for the most restorative retreat.

 Tell us about your role at Silver Linings Wellbeing. What’s hot in the world of wellness right now?

I’m seeing a lot of interest in mindful practices such as meditation, breathwork, and journalling, which were previously secondary to fitness/movement. Clients recognise the incredible benefits of these practices. Silver Linings is renowned not only for elite-level instructors but also for accessing more esoteric content and techniques such as ecstatic dance, sound healing, rituals, and ceremonies.

How esoteric are we talking?

Our healers truly understand the body and bring that rare ability to ‘see inside’, channelling energy in a positive, restorative way. But we’re aware that new practices and treatments can be daunting for first- time-clients so we have an emphasis on qualities that we feel are important, such as conditions of warmth and kindness.

What else is important in your work?

Curating our team of teachers, healers, and guides – to me, it is very personal. After 25 years of teaching and working in the wellness space, my antenna is finely tuned to the suitability of candidates for our little ‘silver book’ of experts. We seek out individuals who are steeped in their practice, and many, like myself, have been movement professionals their whole lives. One of my team members or I will personally have a treatment session with every one of our therapists before they can join our retreat teams.

Is it all super-health-focused, or can you just check in to relax?

Your curated programme could include ‘medi-spa’ style additions such as intensive skincare treatments, personalised sessions on gut health, or sleep clinics. So, more relaxed, active, or a nice balance… Whichever mode you’re in, we’ve designed the activities and travel accommodations specifically for you so that every moment is a complete vibe.

What is the vibe, food-wise?

The really important thing is to visualise food as something delicious and nourishing that you can continue to benefit from at home post-retreat. Following wellness consultations, our Taste team of talented nutritionists and chefs builds menus that are fresh, locally sourced, healthy, and delicious.

Do you work with children?

We get a lot of requests to work with clients’ families, particularly teenagers. Parents often recognise that the introduction of wellness tools and practices can counteract some of the stress and anxiety that their children are exposed to in this digital age, not to mention the positive dynamic that this can introduce to the family unit. For families with younger children, we arrange alternative activities and wellness sessions for their needs while mom and dad enjoy the retreat.

What would you say to the man whose partner’s keen, but he’s not?

The guys are often amazed by the positive impact of our stretching, strength, flexibility, and conditioning work and surprised by how challenging it can be. With couples, we try to ensure that both partners get what they need from the retreat.

How do you avoid the cookie-cutter experience?

Everyone is at a different stage of their wellness journey, and they need to be supported in a myriad of ways, which is where our expert team comes in. For some it’s total relaxation, for some it’s sunshine, while others may want to ramp up their fitness and reenergise. It’s hugely fulfilling for us as practitioners and for our clients to see the transformation in body and mindset that just a few days of holistic wellness can make.

Can you paint a picture for us?

Most of our retreat homes are small boutique hotels in magical natural settings where they have a great spa but no ‘in-house’ wellness programming. A typical example would be Kamalame Cay, Bahamas - the only ‘over- water’ spa in the Caribbean and we bring our team of teachers and healers there to create a transformational retreat programme. This includes movement sessions (Yoga, Barre, Pilates, HIIT, Core), mindful practices (meditation, breathwork, YinYoga, Journaling), with plenty of downtime for spa treatments and relaxation and delicious, nutritious food to fuel the body and leave the clients glowing from the inside out.
Tips for Frequent Flyers

Rest and stretch gently on the aircraft, then move mindfully on arrival. "The Barre/Pilates/Yoga mix works well for our digital community.”

Do you have a favorite travel snack?

I always have lots of fresh fruit in my bag and plenty of water. If I keep it simple and stay super hydrated, I don’t suffer from much jet lag, and my body is ready to go!
What’s your go-to in-flight entertainment?

I love that flying is this magical time with no distractions, allowing one the space for some creativity. I’ll sometimes use the in-flight time to plan and craft new workouts, making notes on movement flow or ideas that I have for new sessions.

What's your in-flight recommended reading?

Food for Life by Tim Spector - “He has changed the way I think about food, and I am a huge fan of the work he is doing with Zoe.”

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk - “Effective ways to treat the effects of trauma, often without resorting to medication. Super inspiring!”

If you could only pack one thing…?

All you need is a mat. Daily movement is essential for me, and the ritual of rolling out the mat provides continuity and keeps me grounded. I can workout wherever I am, from tiny Tokyo hotel rooms to some of the most incredible yoga spaces in the world.

Such as? Where to next?

Bali. I am hoping to enroll my daughter in the incredible Green School and to soak up the beautiful nature and culture of the island. But this summer, it has to be Ibiza. We are setting up a new wellbeing concierge service there. I will be working to create some incredible wellness experiences and enjoy the vibe of the 'White Isle'.

Wellbeing, wherever you wish.

Air Partner works in collaboration with Silver Linings Wellbeing and The Modern Concierge to reimagine your travel with purpose, anticipation, and meaningfulness. “We find magical places where our curated team of experts create transformational wellness experiences, uniquely tailored to the client’s needs. We want you to glow from the inside and achieve optimal wellness with our support, in magical places around the world.”

If you already have an idea for a wellness journey – or maybe you are just now getting inspired by thought of a personalised retreat – speak with a member of our Private Jets team. 

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